
Hype-R-bolic WiMAX

IDATE has released a new report suggesting WiMAX revenues will exceed $3.5B in 2010. They also suggest WiMAX will represent 4% of broadband wireless revenues at the end of the decade, making wireless broadband is a $100B business in 2010 (which I find to be the more exciting and probably, more accurate number).

I remain perplexed at those that continue to suggest that WiMAX is the next WiFi. It cannot be simply due to its longer range. And, while we're at it, end users are going to have to share the available bandwidth, just like you share cellular basestations with every other Joe with a cellphone. Sometimes, your call gets dropped (or you can't get on in the first place).

At $3700 for this report, I think I've found where all the money is to be made in WiMAX. Excuse me while I write myself a WiMAX success story...........